What is Anxiety 😖

Everyone experiences anxiety. It is how our brains respond to a stressful situation or event.  And what our brain tells us to do is either: fight, freeze or flight (run).

Another way to explain anxiety is intense worrying about the past or the future.  What are some events or things we may worry about that may cause anxiety? Here are some examples below:

Why Am I Freaking Out??? 😨

Everyone experiences anxiety. It is how our brains respond to a stressful situation or event.  And what our brain tells us to do is either: fight, freeze or flight (run). 

Another way to explain anxiety is intense worrying about the past or the future.  What are some events or things we may worry about that may cause anxiety? Here are some examples below:

5 Steps to Calm


Why We Feel Anxiety

10 Quick Anxiety Relief Techniques

What is a Panic Attack


What is Gossip? 🗣️ 

What is gossip? Gossip is idle or casual talk about someone else that may not be true. 

Why do we gossip? Sometimes we gossip as a way to connect to others - we find something in common that either we like or don't like and of course, we talk about it.  But when does the talking become harmful? It becomes harmful when we gossip because we are jealous, angry, envious, or feeling vengeful. 

Gossip can very hurtful and destroy friendships. One of the most damaging aspects of gossip is that it creates confusion and doubt. 

Some cases of gossips and rumor spread to social media, where it can become a cyberbullying situation. 

How to Stop Gossip 🙊

We all know gossip can be hurtful, so talk to someone you trust about how you feel. It may be easy in the moment to ignore and act like it doesn't bother you, but remember to process how you are feeling.